Sunday, February 1, 2009

What’s in store for Indian IT?

That’s not really a million dollar question.

Indian IT definitely stays. Though this is the time for Indian IT to come off age, companies to rethink on business strategies and align their business.

Building specializations and creating a niche is the key to success for the future. Now, when the fight is tough, Indian IT must prepare itself to hold its global leadership, specially the tier 2 and 3 companies. Such an effort will help these companies gain recognition and compete for specialist roles in the outsourcing pie of the future. CIOs and Sourcing consultants do look at tier 2 and 3 vendors whenever specialization becomes a key to vendor selection. Developing a niche will facilitate such companies become the obvious choice of future.

Many Indians have been instrumental in revolutionizing IT with their innovative thinking. But as an industry we still are categorized as a service provider rather than a think tank. Being an Indian, I strongly believe we need to change this. Thinking of new ideas and conceptualizing them into ground-breaking products is another need of time and the Tier 1 Indian IT companies as well as start-ups should take on this cause. This will not only help us reduce dependence on MNC IT products but also pave way for global customers to look towards India for beating competition.

“Innovation” is the only way forward!

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